Prima Donna Hop Plant

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Prima Donna, bred at Wye College in 1995 and introduced as First Gold, is a hybrid of WGV and a dwarf male. It shares Goldings' flavor profile but has a higher alpha acid content (7–9%). The hop produces medium-sized cones with a rich citrus character, offering flavors of orange peel and dried apricot, balanced bitterness, and a fruity, slightly spicy note. Known for its excellent aroma, Prima Donna is ideal for stronger summer beers, IPAs, and versatile in kettle, late, and dry hopping across various beer styles.

Key Points:

  • Origin: United Kingdom
  • Primary Use: Dual Purpose (Aroma & Bittering)
  • Height: Dwarf
  • Flavour Notes: Aroma descriptors that include tangerine, orange marmalade, apricot, magnolia, red berries, herbal

Please read our comprehensive guide to planting and caring for your hop plant here.

What's Included:

  • Hop plant root from one of the UK's best growers
  • An exclusive enamel badge
  • Advice and guidance from professional hop growers and brewers
  • Celebrate the harvest with your fellow growers
  • Invite to first pour of the green hop beer
  • Cans of your own, locally brewed Collective beer with your name on!